I have long been a fan of Apple Cider Vinegar, and banged on about its health benefits for ages. It’s incredibly anti-inflammatory and hydrating. When I’ve been drinking a lot of it, I get plenty of comments on how fresh my skin is looking!
And I’m no the only one to sing its praises. In the 1800’s in upstate New York, clever farmers blended it with some of other favourites to rehydrate , replenish electrolytes, and help combat the evil effects of the suns rays. They called it Switchel.
Switchel is a blend of :
- Apple Cider Vinegar
- Ginger
- Water
- Maple Syrup
Together these ingredients have anti-inflammatory, probiotic, detoxifying, mineral-rich, hydrating and energizing properties. It especially helps boost the immune system!
Switchel provides similar health benefits to Kambucha, and is much easier to make! I predict it might just become the ‘hipper’ version. Just what the doctor ordered on a cold almost-winter day!