Dr Alice Rudd - Skin Check
With the warmer weather here, it is a good reminder to check our skin for any abnormalities or changes. UV exposure is on the rise and if you are like most Australians, you spend close to 20 hours in the sun a week. So many people forget to examine their skin, but early prevention is key in detecting and treating problematic lesions before they become more sinister. Dr Alice Rudd encourages you to “get to know your skin and check it regularly - also look EVERYWHERE as skin cancers don’t just occur in sun exposed areas (ie under arms, groin, genitals and under the feet).”
Did you know that many skin cancers are noticed by a loved one? So don’t just check your own skin, check your family too.
When looking at your skin and any spots or marks always remember ABCDE.
Asymmetry – Melanomas are more likely asymmetric moles, meaning one side (if you cut the mole in half) will be different to the other side.
Border – Melanomas will have ragged edges rather than a smooth border.
Colour – Harmless moles tend to be uniform in colour. Malignant skin lesions will often contain mottled/multiple colours (such as brown, black, red, white).
Diameter – Melanomas are usually larger than 6mm when diagnosed (but they can be detected early at a smaller size.)
Evolution: If a mole changes in size, colour or appearance over time flag it…even if all the ABCD rules are not evident!
If you notice any of the above it is important to get a thorough professional skin check. A good Dermatologist will keep a record of moles and track any new spots or changes to existing ones.
Dr Tasos Stavrakoglou and Dr Alice Rudd are available for skin checks – don’t forget your GP referral.